In this issue: Freedom Colony Feature, Free Cemetery Mapping Drawing, New National Network, Black History Month Events, and More!
Freedom Colony Feature
The Atlas houses our database of settlements. This database includes public entries that we often feature in each newsletter. This month, we are featuring Freestone County. Help us find and tell the stories of these Freestone settlements: Woodson’s Chapel, Titus Farm, Thomasville, Tabernacle, Pinetop, Patterson Prairie, Myrtle Grove, Mount Livingston, Lynneville, Lookout, Lepan, Landsville, Lake Creek, Keechi, Jones Academy, Frazier, Davis Chapel, Coutchman, Brown’s Creek, Board Bottom, Beulah, and Bethlehem. Use the Black Settlement Study Survey tab to share your stories, memories, photos, and historical information!
Featured Settlement: Rocky Mount Community
Rocky Mount community is located in Freestone County, about 20 miles southeast of the county seat of Fairfield. Marsha Vania, an Atlas contributor, provided information about the origin of the name, land acquisition, churches, and the discrepancies in the public record of the Rocky Mount community. Here is an excerpt from that entry:
The “community” of Rocky Mount was truly founded when newly freed families—including those of Mose Henry, James Daniels, and George Cannon—obtained tracts of land in this area via the Homestead Act of 1875. Stroud cemetery continued to be used by these families after freedom came, but today it is overgrown and difficult to access. Many family members have moved away, but one was laid to rest there as recently as 2015. Unfortunately, local historians have confused Stroud cemetery with Rocky Mount cemetery, which was opened much later. The origin of this confusion may be the History of Freestone County, Vol 2 (Freestone County Historical Commission, 1989), which included Stroud but not Rocky Mount, and provided a list of names of people buried in both cemeteries.
The sole remaining public building in the Rocky Mount community is Rocky Mount Baptist Church, located at 621F County Road 300, Oakwood, TX 75855. Per a sign on the outside of the church, it was established by Randle Ringer in 1908. Although they lived in the vicinity since at least 1880 per census records, Randle’s parents purchased/ mortgaged 50 acres in 1891, rather than homesteading.
The Rocky Mount Cemetery is located next to the church and was established about the same time, though the first burial there is dated 1905 per the headstone. There are at least 169 people resting here: 107 have a headstone, 9 have markers, 43 are known there via their death certificate and 10 via their obituary. Most residents of the cemetery are family members, with 58 different surnames appearing. The three largest family groups are the Carters (31), Abrams (27), and Ringers (25). At least 10 people there were born in bondage but died in freedom, and two of them lived to be 100 years old. There are at least 10 veterans resting here (3-WWI, 5-WWII, 1-Korea, 1-Vietnam). The cemetery is active and well maintained by family and members of the church. Records of all known burials are being maintained on Find-a-Grave.com, and the cemetery has its own Facebook page.
In 1925, Randle Ringer sold ½ acre of his land next to the church to the Colored National Woodman of Texas, Camp No. 283 for the sum of $15 (Book 87, p 498). This organization, an offshoot of the white American Woodmen founded in 1901, was “a fraternal and benefits organization that provided aid to deceased members, widows, heirs, and orphans” (American Woodmen of Kentucky).
Unfortunately, this organization must have folded because in 1949, after Randle’s death, his son, Willie sold this same ½ acre of land to the Allied Lodge #239 of the Free & Accepted Masons for the sum of $30 (Book 205, p 231). It is not known how long the lodge operated here, but the building was abandoned for years and was pushed down sometime in the early 2000s. Some of the families who founded Rocky Mount still own heirs land in the area, though many do not. The local community of Oakwood is a shadow of its former self, there are fewer opportunities for employment, and this rural, sparsely populated area has become highly coveted by those engaging in large scale cattle ranching and chicken farming.
Learn more about Rocky Mount by going to the Atlas 2.1 tab and searching for Rocky Mount. Please share your stories of these communities! Email us at freedomcoloniesproject@gmail.com after you upload your story via the Atlas survey, and we will review it and possibly feature your contribution in our next newsletter!
Grant Opportunity
The National Fund for Sacred Spaces fund is now open for grant applications. The fund provides training, planning grants, and capital grants from $50,000 to $250,000 for congregations of all faiths. Letters of Intent will be accepted from any eligible congregation and are due no later than February 24, 2023 at 11:59PM EST. To determine eligibility, please visit their website at https://www.fundforsacredplaces.org/what-we-offer/eligibility/.
Drawing for Free Cemetery Survey!
Cemeteries and churches are the most persistent features in freedom colony landscapes. Environmental factors like flooding or infrastructure projects put cemeteries at risk. However, mapping them can be expensive. That is why we are pleased to support this free giveaway!
Michael Martin, founder of Sidekick LLC, conducts surveys of historic and modern cemeteries in several cemeteries across Texas. Sidekick LLC offers a discounted rate to Texas freedom colonies. However, this month he’s giving away one free day of site surveying, data analyzing, and map creating (valued at $1500-$1800 per current industry rates in Texas)! The winning cemetery will receive ~4000-5000 sqft of GPR data, the marking of the locations of likely unmarked graves for further perseveration, the identification of locations open for future burials, and the compiling of all this information in a custom PDF map. Fill out this form to enter the drawing!
Fred McCray, Dixie Community and Geri Rowe, Shankleville Community at their freedom colonies’ cemeteries (2021)
Our website also provides information curated for cemetery stewards, volunteers, and stakeholders (under Cemetery Preservation Resources). Learn more about the importance of cemeteries to freedom colonies by checking out the Saving Freedom Colonies Guide as well as the Texas African American Cemetery Registry.
Adopt a County Volunteers Keep the Project Alive!
During this transitional period, TxFCP volunteers in the Adopt-a-County Program have sustained our research by continuing to document freedom colonies and their communities’ stories. The program’s goal is to add all missing freedom colony stories and locations to the Atlas through descendant- and public-sourced data. In recognition of their service, this newsletter showcases some of our wonderful volunteers and their invaluable work below. Gloria Smith is a freedom colony descendant and staunch advocate for her community, Dabney Hill. Greg Meyer is an active volunteer working in Fort Bend and Uvalde County who conducts census data analysis and regularly uploads information to the Atlas. Read more below!
Gloria Smith
Gloria Smith is dedicated to the preservation and continuation of freedom colonies like her home community, Dabney Hill. In her role as an independent historian and TxFCP volunteer, she frequently appears in the media, advocating for the preservation of Black communities. She has been prominently featured in documentaries and news articles for her work in historic preservation. View the video below, featured on the Bullock Museum website:
She advocates for recognition of freedom colonies because these communities “existed, and if we don’t do something about it, [they’re] going to disappear.” We encourage our readers to support the Dabney Hill Black History Month celebration where Gloria and the descendant community will unveil the Texas Historical Marker memorializing the settlement’s founding. The celebration will take place on Sunday, February 12, 2023 1:00 p.m. at the Snook Community Center, 10245 Farm to Market 2155 Loop, Snook, TX 77878.
Two of Dabney Hill’s surviving landmarks: the Dabney Hill Missionary Baptist church (left) and the Ethiopian Star Lodge Hall (right)
Greg Meyer
As a volunteer, Greg Meyer takes photos of freedom colonies’ surviving buildings and uploads them to the Atlas. He also conducts interviews and research online and in local archives. When asked why he volunteers, Greg explained that he believes there is value in giving back to one’s community. He adds that freedom colony heritage “is important,” and “[that] history cannot be forgotten.” Greg also shared that his time with the Project had taught him that “there is a lot of structural neglect that we are fighting against to regain and preserve this history.”
TxFCP News
Conference News
In October of 2022, Dr. Roberts gave a virtual presentation during a roundtable, “Recovering Community Stories through Digital Methods,” at the Society for American City and Regional Planning History Conference (SACRPH). The roundtable included Julian Chambliss of Michigan State University, Catherine Clark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Kristy H. A. Kang of Nanyang Technological University. Meredith Drake Reitan of University of Southern California moderated the event.
At the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference (ACSP) in Toronto, Dr. Roberts made a presentation on teaching Black settlement history in the panel, “Black Planning—Centering Black Knowledge and Experiences in Planning Education.” Session organizers were Dr. Magdalena Ugarte—Toronto Metropolitan University and Abigail Moriah of the Black Planning Project. The organizers also lead a new international research project in Canada that Dr. Roberts recently joined. Learn about that project here.
TxFC Project First Virtual Site in the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network
The Superintendent of the National Reconstruction has approved the TxFCP’s entry into the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network! The TxFCP has become its first non-physical entry. Being admitted into this network will add the TxFCP to the network list (Discover the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network) and educational materials.
By extension, every settlement on the Atlas which our researchers verify as having historical significance encompassing people and events associated with the Reconstruction Era (defined by NPS as 1861-1900) becomes part of this network! Once verified, these communities on the Atlas become member sites! Thank you to Scott Teodorski, Superintendent of the Reconstruction Era National Historic Park, and Park Historian, Nathan Betcher for inviting the TxFCP to the network! Make sure your settlement’s story is in the Atlas. Add it here.
The TxFC Project Atlas: A Resource for K-12 Education
We at the TxFCP support diversifying K-12 education to encompass ALL American history. We salute Andrea Werth for advancing this mission. Werth, a teacher at KIPP Austin College Prep in Austin, had her class create an amazing Black History Month bulletin board project where they researched freedom colonies in Austin and created informational posters. She wrote us that “My students were impacted greatly when they learned St. John’s is only a few blocks from our campus” and shared the above images (with permission) of her students with their work. Keep up the great work! Have you used our materials to educate the public or students? Let us know so we can feature you in future newsletters.
Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in volunteering with us? Here are ways you can help:
Add freedom colonies to the Atlas!
Ambassador: Get the word out about The Texas Freedom Colonies Project!
Research Expert: Be a point of contact for other volunteers with research questions!
County Research Guide: Compile a guide a county’s research resources!
Social Media Creator: Engage our audience! Are you Facebook/Instagram savvy?
Materials Distributor: Help send TxFCP materials!
Photographer: Take photographs of freedom colony churches, school, and other landmarks and add them to the Atlas!
Know that we are still in our delayed transition period—expect communication response times of 3-5 days.
Volunteer Resources on Our Website
We have recently updated our Oral History Resource list with an Oral History Workshop Manual. From Travis County Historical Commission, this manual is a helpful primer and reference when conducting oral history interviews. The manual was created by Terri Myers and Maria Prieve of Preservation Central and is sponsored by Travis County Historical Commission-CLG and Texas Historical Commission History Stewards.
We have Community Resources and Research resources on our website.
Our Community Resources page contains
Our Research page includes
Freedom Colony News
St. John Harvest Festival
Images, from left to right, of the St. John Regular Baptist Church memorial wall listing pioneer families, St. John Regular Baptist Church buildings, and the church’s memorial wall listing the memorial wall committee and charitable contributors
On October 22, the St. John community invited other members of the community to attend their celebratory relocation of the historic St. John Colony Texas Historical marker. After the ceremony, the community watched an impromptu-style show, had lunch, viewed the St. John documentary, and participated in an ancestral genealogy workshop provided by the St. John 19th Body Historical Committee. The Lockhart Post-Register wrote a brief report on the event. Please visit the St. John community website for additional information on this event.
Macedonia School Receives Grant
Preservation Texas awarded Macedonia Rock School a $50,000 Texas Rural African-American Heritage Fund Grants. The grant will fund external renovations of the building. Macedonia Rock School has been identified as an important community space for surrounding freedom colonies. This school building has been part of the community since 1942, with a former school building on the site tracing back to at least 1927 and possibly to the 1880’s.
The Alexander Farm Temporarily Wins against Encroaching Development
As of mid-December, descendants of one of Travis County’s earliest Black “race horse men” have been granted an emergency temporary restraining order (TRO) and injunction against a California-based developer in Travis County District Court. The TRO granted by the court stops AMTEX Multi-Housing, LLC, from razing and destroying portions of The Alexander Farm’s private thruway that straddles the antebellum Black family farm and cemetery.
Images, from left to right, of Daniel Alexander’s grave, the Alexander family home, and of daily operations at The Alexander Farm
The Alexander Farm is historically notable as one of the few remaining Black-owned farms in the country, and even more significant because it has been owned and operated by the same family for 175 years and seven generations. The farm was founded in 1847 by then-enslaved, nationally renowned horse breeder and trainer, Daniel Alexander. To learn more about The Alexander Farm, please visit their website. The case of The Alexander Farm highlights just how important it is for descendant communities to be aware of resources available to them to protect their land. At TxFCP, we have Black Land Resources on our website.
Freedom Colony Tamina Negotiates with Shenandoah for Water & Sewer Services
The city of Shenandoah and the Old Tamina Water Supply Corporation reached an agreement for the city to provide water and sewage service to residents of the Tamina community. The agreement was finalized Dec. 5, according to Shenandoah City Administrator Kathie Reyer. Montgomery County will need to finalize the agreement for it to become official, she said.
The interlocal agreement’s approval provides hope for the future, setting the stage for construction on water and sewer lines in Tamina to begin next year and be wrapped up in 2026. Under the agreement, Shenandoah will provide water to about 186 homes, and Tamina septic systems will be removed and replaced with sewer lines. The agreement also provides for much-needed fire hydrants. To learn more about this historic move, please visit this news article.
To learn more about Tamina’s environmental and infrastructure issues, read these texts
“What is environmental racism for? Place-based harm and relational development,” article by Louise Seamster and Danielle Purifoy
“Creative extraction: Black towns in white space,” article by Danielle M Purifoy and Louise Seamster
“Texas Time: Racial Violence, Place Making, and Remembering as Resistance in Montgomery County,” book chapter in Civil Rights in Black and Brown by Jasmin C. Howard
35 Historic Black Churches Receive $4 Million Investment
To honor and protect the legacy of historic Black churches and their communities, the National Trust’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund has invested $4 million in grants to 35 historic Black churches across the United States that represent the institution’s impact on American society. Of particular note are the two Texas churches that received this grant: Reedy Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church and Mount Zion United Methodist Church.
As the first and oldest AME church in Texas, Reedy Chapel was one of the first places where General Order No. 3 was read, declaring the emancipation of enslaved persons in the state and the inception of Juneteenth. The church will use the grant to restore its masonry, stucco, and stained-glass windows, improving its climate resilience and helping continue its traditions of gathering and celebrating.
A significant part of its community over multiple generations, Mount Zion UMC reflects the legacy of Belton’s African American community. The City of Belton will use the grant to restore the church as much as possible to its original 1893 condition and support the local economy by making the site an interpretive destination.
Upcoming Events
Real Places 2023
The Texas Historical Commission’s Real Places 2023 conference will take place both virtually and in person, in Austin, February 1–3. The packed schedule features about 45 workshops and sessions, 100 expert speakers from across Texas and the U.S., five keynote sessions, and several fun networking events. Discounts are available for students and organizations registering multiple people at the same time. Learn more and sign up at realplaces.us. Stop by our table on the 2nd and 3rd to chat with us!
Images, from Real Places 2022: left, the TxFCP workshop attendees and right, Valentina presenting an activity
Dr. Roberts Part of Tuft’s Lecture Series
RootsTech 2023
RootsTech is a virtual and in-person conference hosted each year by FamilySearch International. Dr. Roberts will present on TxFCP on Sunday, March 4, 2023 from 9–11AM CST during the event’s Texas Connect session. To learn more about RootsTech 2023 and register, please visit their website.
The Black Houston(s) Symposium: Research, Policy, and Activism — Past and Future
The Black Houston(s) Symposium will take place March 23-24, 2023 at Rice University and the African American Library at the Gregory School. The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is required to attend. Register here: https://blackhoustons.rice.edu/register
Aya Symposium
Aya Symposium 2019, held at Prairie View A&M University
Get excited and mark your calendar for June 8, 2023—the date of this year’s Aya Symposium! The symposium will be held at the University of North Texas, Dallas and focus on how to leverage technology to tell your settlement’s stories to funders, the public, and other descendants. The Aya Symposium is the only state-wide conference on freedom colonies, making it a wonderful opportunity for planners, preservationists, and descendants to meet, learn, connect, and organize! For more information about this year’s symposium as well as to register, please visit www.ayasymposium.org. If interested in presenting, making a donation, or co-sponsoring the event, please contact freedomcoloniesproject@gmail.com for more information.
General News and Announcements
Passing of Thomasena Stokes-Marshall
We at the TxFCP are sad to share the news of the passing of Thomasena Stokes-Marshall, a pioneer in the struggle to preserve historic settlements in South Carolina. In 2016, she co-founded the African American Historic Settlement Commission to protect the autonomy and character of settlements such as Snowden founded after Reconstruction by formerly enslaved people. Read more about this incredible woman here.
Please support these BHM events. Tell them that you learned about their event in this newsletter!
The Black Poetry Slam and Book Fair hosted by Free.K
Houston, TX: Join us on January 31 at Rudyard’s for a poetry slam! Get your tickets here!
Woodson Black Fest
Houston, TX: On February 2 the Woodson Black Fest feature spoken word, film, music, lively conversation, and a short film screening. Learn more at CAMH.org and register for the event here.
Grand Opening – Yanga Rediscovered: The First Liberator of the Americas
Dallas, TX: On February 2, join the Latino Arts Project at SMU for the unveiling of a free exhibit devoted to Gaspar Yanga; reserve your spot here.
McKinney Black History Month LECTURE SERIES—Dr. Opal Lee
McKinney, TX: On February 2, 2022 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Dr. Opal Lee, “The Grandmother of Juneteenth,” will give a lecture at the McKinney Performing Arts Center. Register for this event here.
McKinney Black History Month Art Show & Exhibit Tickets
McKinney, TX: On February 3, the Black History Month Art Show kicks off a month-long art exhibit at the McKinney Performing Arts Center. Registration is free and available here.
Check 1, 2…JAZZ
Austin, TX: On February 4, join the Austin Public Library in celebrating Black History Month with the local ensemble The DT Trio featuring Liz Thigpen and a guest-lecture from Harrison Eppright. Register for the event here.
Black History Month Social Ride
Austin, TX: On February 4, go for a social ride focused on several Austinite Black Civil Rights activists. Donations appreciated; RSVP here.
Solar Saturday Block Party! Black History Month Kick Off
San Antonio Black History Bus Tour—Eastside
Greater Frisco Jack & Jill of America, Inc. Black History Celebration
McKinney, TX: On February 11, join the Greater Frisco Chapter of Jack and Jill of America in celebrating Black History Month. Register for the event here.
Cocktails & Connections with ALP Law Firm
Houston, TX: On February 15, ALP Law Firm is celebrating Black History Month with their Cocktails & Connections event. Please register for this event.
Artful Moments: Black History Month
Fort Worth, TX: On February 16, join the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth for a free monthly program designed for visitors with early stage dementia and their caregivers to connect with artworks in a social setting. Reservations are required.
Pioneering Excellence Awards and Black History Month Program
Dallas, TX: On February 16, join Pioneering Excellence for a collaborative and impactful Black History Month experience. Register for the event here.
Garland NAACP 22nd Annual Winter Ball
Garland, TX: On February 17, join the Garland NAACP to celebrate Black History Month & recognize African American healthcare professionals at the annual Winter Ball. Buy your tickets here.
If It Ain’t Black Owned, Go Home Pop-Up Shop
Dallas, TX: On February 18, come celebrate Black History Month at the Business Lounge Dallas the right way: celebrating Black-owned brands! Get tickets for the event here.
Back to Our Roots Step Show
Desoto, TX: On February 18, come out to Desoto’s own Diligent Execution Steppers first Black History Month step show at DeSoto High School Auditorium! Get tickets for the performance here.
Texas African American Museum Second Annual Black History Month Gala
Tyler, TX: On February 18, join the Texas African American Museum Second Annual Black History Month Gala at Willow Brook Country Club in Tyler with guest Mr. Billy O’Quinn. Register for the event here.
Moving Beyond Slavery Identity, Culture and Global African History
Houston, TX: Join us on February 18 at the SAiD Pan African Library for a conversation with leading civic leaders to discuss the bold and meaningful action on how to honor one’s ancestors, and what lessons should be passed down to the next generation. Admission is free; reserve your spot here.
Meet the Author at The Gathering Nook
The Woodlands, TX: On February 18, visit The Gathering Nook to meet Lyncia Recetta, author of The Confident Woman. This event is free to the public, although the book (and event) are recommended for young adults and up. Reserve a spot for this event here.
Black Excellence Art Exhibition
Houston, TX: On February 19, Elevate Creative Studios will hold its opening reception of the Black Excellence Art Exhibition! Tickets go on sale February 1.
Black History Month Kid’s Day at the Carver
Austin, TX: On February 25, the Carver Museum will hold a free Black History Month Kids’ Day featuring CDF Freedom Schools Austin, with crafts and activities focused on the 2023 BHM theme “Black Resistance.” Register for the event here.
Black History Houston @ Avenida Plaza (BLCK Market Marketplace)
Houston, TX: Celebrate Black History with the #1 Marketplace. The Market will be held on February 11, 18, & 25. Learn more about the event here.
Small Business Hub Black History Event
Mesquite, TX: On February 25, Small Business Hub will be holding a Black History Month pop-up market. The market will be held from noon to 5 PM. Reserve a spot here.
10th Annual Harlem Renaissance Gala Extravaganza
Frisco, TX: On February 25, attend the 10th Annual Harlem Renaissance Gala at Frisco Hall. Tickets on sale at www.verbkultureevents.com.
The 4th Annual San Antonio African American Book Festival
San Antonio, TX: On February 25, join the Carver Library for the 4th Annual San Antonio African-American Book Festival. Reserve your spot here.
From Africa to The White House /The Storm is Here
Houston, TX: Performances of playwright Vincent Victoria’s From Africa to the White House and The Storm is Here will be held at the Midtown Art Centre February 17-19, 24-26, and March 11; get tickets here.
Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) BHM Events
Online: On February 22nd, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) will offer a virtual marquee event featuring a conversation with the 14th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Lonnie G. Bunch III and acclaimed author of She Took Justice, Gloria Browne Marshall. Learn more about this festival here, and register for the event here.
Washington, D.C.: On February 25th, ASLAH is honored to co-sponsor a very special in-person “matinee” featuring the new critically-praised play Campaign 72, based on the life of Shirley Chisholm, who defied expectations when she became the first Black woman to run a major campaign for President in 1972. Purchase tickets here.
The Texas Freedom Colonies Project Team News
As part of this season’s newsletter, we would like to highlight some of the work of our former and current team members.
Valentina Aduen (TAMU doctoral candidate) attended the Jake’s Colony & Zion Hill: Emergency Land Tenure Meeting.
Hannah Bowling (TAMU doctoral student) is attending the Real Places 2023 conference & writing the TxFCP newsletters.
We are also excited to introduce Sam Veth, the newest UVA TxFCP student researcher! Learn more about her & the work she is doing for us in Virginia in our next newsletter.
The TxFCP Transition from TAMU to UVA!
We are still in the middle of our transition for the majority of the TxFCP team. We look forward to welcoming new team members in Virginia soon! Find our previous FAQ here. Dr. Roberts is now a part of the UVA School of Architecture, Co-Director of the Center for Cultural Landscapes, and affiliated with The Equity Center—a UVA democracy initiative for the redress of inequality through community-engaged scholarship.
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Sign up for our newsletter! Go to https://t.co/Lwx5sT6qYj and fill out the form to join our mailing list.